Thursday, September 17, 2009

Addiction to Games?

New post here guys, about addiction to games. People are saying you can get addicted to games. Their have been cases were kids have acted out what they have seen in games because they were addicted to a game. Do you think that is an addiction? Also, kids, teens are starting to be affected by their games in school. Teens have dropped out of school to just play video games all day. Video games have got very competitive but that doesn't mean drop out of school. Their was a survey on who plays the most video games and who is addicted. Between the ages of 18 and 30 teens and adults are paying attention to their games more than any other age. This site College students are facing a new kind of addiction: Video Games. This site will tell you more on this situation of video game addictions.


As a part of team 3, I am excited to be blogging this year on the topic of co-existence. Hello, This blog is about co-existence between games, gamers, XBOX, & PS3 (PLAYSTATION 3). Those things have alot of problems co-existening. We all know how XBOX people & PS3 people have problems with like what system is better, which system has better games, and which system has the better players or gamers. I my self am a gamer. I am a PS3 gamer. I do not like XBOX at all but that is my opinion. I am going to have different things on my blog to support both XBOX and PS3 co-existence. Here is one video I have linked for you guys to watch. It may have mature language but nothing to explicit.