So the Arctic is feeling the effects of Global Warming the most. What about Antarctica? The Arctics ice is disappearing rapidly. So rapidly that ice will be gone by 2040. If we knew that obama was going to be asassinated then wouldn't we prevent it? So if we knew that the ice will be gone by 2040 and all we do is recycle, then how does that help the ice?
The mountains and glaciers are also disappearing rapidly. Now this is scary, 27 glaciers in montana now and in 1910 150. Who is to say that those glaciers were big. What if they were small and couldn't resist a little warmness. The freezing and thawing of the ice has been lagging. the ice has been thawing a week earlier then usual and the ice has been freezing a week later. that is a big difference.
I know my take on this subject which is NO I do not think Global Warming is happening now, but if the scientist say so I guess thats theirs facts and my opinion. I want to know your take on Global warming, so comment me and I also will have a poll.
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